CARLsim: a GPU-accelerated SNN simulator
This is the complete list of members for SNN, including all inherited members.
biasWeights(short int connId, float bias, bool updateWeightRange=false) | SNN | |
connect(int gIDpre, int gIDpost, const std::string &_type, float initWt, float maxWt, float prob, uint8_t minDelay, uint8_t maxDelay, RadiusRF radius, float mulSynFast, float mulSynSlow, bool synWtType) | SNN | |
connect(int gIDpre, int gIDpost, ConnectionGeneratorCore *conn, float mulSynFast, float mulSynSlow, bool synWtType) | SNN | |
connectCompartments(int grpIdLower, int grpIdUpper) | SNN | |
createGroup(const std::string &grpName, const Grid3D &grid, int neurType, int preferredPartition, ComputingBackend preferredBackend) | SNN | |
createGroupLIF(const std::string &grpName, const Grid3D &grid, int neurType, int preferredPartition, ComputingBackend preferredBackend) | SNN | |
createSpikeGeneratorGroup(const std::string &grpName, const Grid3D &grid, int neurType, int preferredPartition, ComputingBackend preferredBackend) | SNN | |
exitSimulation(int val=1) | SNN | |
getConductanceAMPA(int grpId) | SNN | |
getConductanceGABAa(int grpId) | SNN | |
getConductanceGABAb(int grpId) | SNN | |
getConductanceNMDA(int grpId) | SNN | |
getConnectConfig(short int connectId) | SNN | |
getConnectId(int grpIdPre, int grpIdPost) | SNN | |
getCurrent() | SNN | inline |
getDelayRange(short int connId) | SNN | |
getDelays(int gGrpIdPre, int gGrpIdPost, int &numPreN, int &numPostN) | SNN | |
getGroupEndNeuronId(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
getGroupGrid3D(int grpId) | SNN | |
getGroupId(std::string grpName) | SNN | |
getGroupName(int grpId) | SNN | |
getGroupNeuromodulatorInfo(int grpId) | SNN | |
getGroupNumNeurons(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
getGroupStartNeuronId(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
getGroupSTDPInfo(int grpId) | SNN | |
getLogFpDeb() | SNN | inline |
getLogFpErr() | SNN | inline |
getLogFpInf() | SNN | inline |
getLogFpLog() | SNN | inline |
getLoggerMode() | SNN | inline |
getNetworkName() | SNN | inline |
getNeuronLocation3D(int neurId) | SNN | |
getNeuronLocation3D(int grpId, int relNeurId) | SNN | |
getNeuronMonitor(int grpId) | SNN | |
getNeuronMonitorCore(int grpId) | SNN | |
getNumCompartmentConnections() | SNN | inline |
getNumConnections() | SNN | inline |
getNumGroups() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeurons() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeuronsGen() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeuronsGenExc() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeuronsGenInh() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeuronsReg() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeuronsRegExc() | SNN | inline |
getNumNeuronsRegInh() | SNN | inline |
getNumSynapses() | SNN | inline |
getNumSynapticConnections(short int connectionId) | SNN | |
getRandSeed() | SNN | inline |
getRFDist3D(const RadiusRF &radius, const Point3D &pre, const Point3D &post) | SNN | |
getSimTime() | SNN | inline |
getSimTimeMs() | SNN | inline |
getSimTimeSec() | SNN | inline |
getSpikeMonitor(int grpId) | SNN | |
getSpikeMonitorCore(int grpId) | SNN | |
getSTPu() | SNN | inline |
getSTPx() | SNN | inline |
getWeightMatrix2D(short int connId) | SNN | |
getWeightRange(short int connId) | SNN | |
isConnectionPlastic(short int connId) | SNN | |
isDopaminergicGroup(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
isExcitatoryGroup(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
isGroupWithHomeostasis(int grpId) | SNN | |
isInhibitoryGroup(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
isPoint3DinRF(const RadiusRF &radius, const Point3D &pre, const Point3D &post) | SNN | |
isPoissonGroup(int gGrpId) | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithCOBA() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithCompartments() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithCUBA() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithFixedWeightsOnly() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithGABAbRise() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithHomeostasis() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithNMDARise() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithPlasticWeights() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithSTDP() | SNN | inline |
isSimulationWithSTP() | SNN | inline |
loadSimulation(FILE *fid) | SNN | |
MAJOR_VERSION | SNN | static |
MINOR_VERSION | SNN | static |
runNetwork(int _nsec, int _nmsec, bool printRunSummary) | SNN | |
saveSimulation(FILE *fid, bool saveSynapseInfo=false) | SNN | |
scaleWeights(short int connId, float scale, bool updateWeightRange=false) | SNN | |
setCompartmentParameters(int grpId, float couplingUp, float couplingDown) | SNN | |
setConductances(bool isSet, int tdAMPA, int trNMDA, int tdNMDA, int tdGABAa, int trGABAb, int tdGABAb) | SNN | |
setConnectionMonitor(int grpIdPre, int grpIdPost, FILE *fid) | SNN | |
setESTDP(int grpId, bool isSet, STDPType type, STDPCurve curve, float alphaPlus, float tauPlus, float alphaMinus, float tauMinus, float gamma) | SNN | |
setExternalCurrent(int grpId, const std::vector< float > ¤t) | SNN | |
setGroupMonitor(int grpId, FILE *fid) | SNN | |
setHomeoBaseFiringRate(int groupId, float baseFiring, float baseFiringSD) | SNN | |
setHomeostasis(int grpId, bool isSet, float homeoScale, float avgTimeScale) | SNN | |
setIntegrationMethod(integrationMethod_t method, int numStepsPerMs) | SNN | |
setISTDP(int grpId, bool isSet, STDPType type, STDPCurve curve, float ab1, float ab2, float tau1, float tau2) | SNN | |
setLogsFp(FILE *fpInf=NULL, FILE *fpErr=NULL, FILE *fpDeb=NULL, FILE *fpLog=NULL) | SNN | |
setNeuromodulator(int grpId, float baseDP, float tauDP, float base5HT, float tau5HT, float baseACh, float tauACh, float baseNE, float tauNE) | SNN | |
setNeuronMonitor(int gid, FILE *fid) | SNN | |
setNeuronParameters(int grpId, float izh_a, float izh_a_sd, float izh_b, float izh_b_sd, float izh_c, float izh_c_sd, float izh_d, float izh_d_sd) | SNN | |
setNeuronParameters(int grpId, float izh_C, float izh_C_sd, float izh_k, float izh_k_sd, float izh_vr, float izh_vr_sd, float izh_vt, float izh_vt_sd, float izh_a, float izh_a_sd, float izh_b, float izh_b_sd, float izh_vpeak, float izh_vpeak_sd, float izh_c, float izh_c_sd, float izh_d, float izh_d_sd) | SNN | |
setNeuronParametersLIF(int grpId, int tau_m, int tau_ref, float vTh, float vReset, double minRmem, double maxRmem) | SNN | |
setSpikeGenerator(int grpId, SpikeGeneratorCore *spikeGenFunc) | SNN | |
setSpikeMonitor(int gid, FILE *fid) | SNN | |
setSpikeRate(int grpId, PoissonRate *spikeRate, int refPeriod) | SNN | |
setSTP(int grpId, bool isSet, float STP_U, float STP_tau_u, float STP_tau_x) | SNN | |
setupNetwork() | SNN | |
setWeight(short int connId, int neurIdPre, int neurIdPost, float weight, bool updateWeightRange=false) | SNN | |
setWeightAndWeightChangeUpdate(UpdateInterval wtANDwtChangeUpdateInterval, bool enableWtChangeDecay, float wtChangeDecay) | SNN | |
SNN(const std::string &name, SimMode preferredSimMode, LoggerMode loggerMode, int randSeed) | SNN | |
startTesting(bool shallUpdateWeights=true) | SNN | |
stopTesting() | SNN | |
updateConnectionMonitor(short int connId=ALL) | SNN | |
updateGroupMonitor(int grpId=ALL) | SNN | |
updateNeuronMonitor(int grpId=ALL) | SNN | |
updateSpikeMonitor(int grpId=ALL) | SNN | |
~SNN() | SNN |