CARLsim: a GPU-accelerated SNN simulator
Go to the documentation of this file.
341 void print(
bool printSpikeTimes=
472 void setLogFile(
const std::string& logFileName);
mode in which spike information is collected in AER format
void clear()
Truncates the 2D spike vector.
float getPercentSilentNeurons()
returns the percentage of total neurons in group that are silent.
void setPersistentData(bool persistentData)
Sets PersistentMode either on (true) or off (false)
SpikeMonitor destructor.
bool isRecording()
Recording status (true=recording, false=not recording)
int getPopNumSpikes()
Returns the total number of spikes in the group.
float getMinFiringRate()
returns the smallest neuronal mean firing rate in the group
std::vector< float > getAllFiringRates()
Returns the average firing rate of all the neurons in the group as a vector of floats.
void print(bool printSpikeTimes=true)
prints the 2D spike vector.
void stopRecording()
Ends a recording period.
long int getRecordingLastStartTime()
Returns the simulation time (ms) of the last call to startRecording()
SpikeMonitor(SpikeMonitorCore *spikeMonitorCorePtr)
SpikeMonitor constructor.
SpikeMonMode getMode()
Returns the current SpikeMonitor mode.
float getPopStdFiringRate()
Returns the standard deviation of firing rates in the entire neuronal population.
long int getRecordingStartTime()
Returns the simulation time (ms) of the first call to startRecording()
float getPopMeanFiringRate()
Returns the mean firing rate of the entire neuronal population.
std::vector< std::vector< int > > getSpikeVector2D()
returns the 2D spike vector
bool getPersistentData()
Returns a flag that indicates whether PersistentMode is on (true) or off (false)
float getPercentNeuronsWithFiringRate(float min, float max)
returns the percentage of total neurons in that are in the range specified by the user,...
float getNeuronMeanFiringRate(int neurId)
returns the mean firing rate of a specific neuron in the group
int getNumSilentNeurons()
returns the number of neurons that are silent.
long int getRecordingStopTime()
Returns the simulation time (ms) of the last call to stopRecording()
SpikeMonitor mode.
void startRecording()
Starts a new recording period.
void setLogFile(const std::string &logFileName)
Sets the name of the spike file binary.
int getNumNeuronsWithFiringRate(float min, float max)
Returns the number of neurons that fall within this particular min/max range (inclusive).
int getNeuronNumSpikes(int neurId)
returns the total number of spikes of a specific neuron in the group
long int getRecordingTotalTime()
Returns the total recording time (ms)
Contains all of CARLsim's core functionality.
std::vector< float > getAllFiringRatesSorted()
Returns all the neuronal mean firing rates in ascending order.
float getMaxFiringRate()
returns the largest neuronal mean firing rate in the group
void setMode(SpikeMonMode mode=AER)
Sets the current SpikeMonitor mode.