CARLsim  4.1.0
CARLsim: a GPU-accelerated SNN simulator
NetworkConfigRT_s Struct Reference

runtime network configuration More...

#include <snn_datastructures.h>

Public Attributes

double dAMPA
 multiplication factor for decay time of AMPA conductance (gAMPA[i] *= dAMPA) More...
double dGABAa
 multiplication factor for decay time of GABAa More...
double dGABAb
 multiplication factor for decay time of GABAb More...
double dNMDA
 multiplication factor for decay time of NMDA More...
unsigned int I_setLength
 used for GPU only More...
size_t I_setPitch
 used for GPU only More...
int maxDelay
 maximum axonal delay in the gloabl network More...
int maxNumPostSynN
 the maximum number of post-synaptic connections among neurons More...
int maxNumPreSynN
 the maximum number of pre-syanptic connections among neurons More...
unsigned int maxSpikesD1
 the estimated maximum number of spikes with delay == 1 in a network More...
unsigned int maxSpikesD2
 the estimated maximum number of spikes with delay >= 2 in a network More...
int numComp
 number of compartmental neurons More...
int numConnections
 number of local connections in this local network More...
int numGroups
 number of local groups in this local network More...
int numGroupsAssigned
 number of groups assigned to this local network More...
int numN
 number of neurons in th local network More...
int numNAssigned
 number of total neurons assigned to the local network More...
int numNExcPois
 number of excitatory poisson neurons More...
int numNExcReg
 number of regular excitatory neurons More...
int numNExternal
 number of external neurons in the view of the local network More...
int numNInhPois
 number of inhibitory poisson neurons More...
int numNInhReg
 number of regular inhibitory neurons More...
int numNPois
 number of poisson neurons More...
int numNRateGen
 number of poisson neurons generating spikes based on firing rate More...
int numNReg
 number of regular (spking) neurons More...
int numNSpikeGen
 number of poisson neurons generating spikes based on callback functions More...
int numPostSynNet
 the total number of post-connections in a network More...
int numPreSynNet
 the total number of pre-connections in a network More...
double rGABAb
 multiplication factor for rise time of GABAb More...
double rNMDA
 multiplication factor for rise time of NMDA More...
double sGABAb
 scaling factor for GABAb amplitude More...
bool sim_in_testing
bool sim_with_compartments
bool sim_with_conductances
bool sim_with_fixedwts
bool sim_with_GABAb_rise
 a flag to inform whether to compute GABAb rise time More...
bool sim_with_homeostasis
bool sim_with_modulated_stdp
bool sim_with_nm
bool sim_with_NMDA_rise
 a flag to inform whether to compute NMDA rise time More...
bool sim_with_stdp
bool sim_with_stp
integrationMethod_t simIntegrationMethod
 integration method (forward-Euler or Fourth-order Runge-Kutta) More...
int simNumStepsPerMs
 number of steps per 1 millisecond More...
double sNMDA
 scaling factor for NMDA amplitude More...
float stdpScaleFactor
size_t STP_Pitch
 numN rounded upwards to the nearest 256 boundary, used for GPU only More...
float timeStep
 inverse of simNumStepsPerMs More...
float wtChangeDecay
 the wtChange decay More...

Detailed Description

This structure contains the network configuration that is required for GPU simulation. The data in this structure are copied to device memory when running GPU simulation.

See also

Definition at line 625 of file snn_datastructures.h.

Member Data Documentation


double dAMPA

Definition at line 681 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ dGABAa

double dGABAa

Definition at line 685 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ dGABAb

double dGABAb

Definition at line 687 of file snn_datastructures.h.


double dNMDA

Definition at line 683 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ I_setLength

unsigned int I_setLength

Definition at line 644 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ I_setPitch

size_t I_setPitch

Definition at line 645 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ maxDelay

int maxDelay

Definition at line 627 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ maxNumPostSynN

int maxNumPostSynN

Definition at line 649 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ maxNumPreSynN

int maxNumPreSynN

Definition at line 650 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ maxSpikesD1

unsigned int maxSpikesD1

Definition at line 652 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ maxSpikesD2

unsigned int maxSpikesD2

Definition at line 651 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numComp

int numComp

Definition at line 634 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numConnections

int numConnections

Definition at line 657 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numGroups

int numGroups

Definition at line 655 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numGroupsAssigned

int numGroupsAssigned

Definition at line 656 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numN

int numN

Definition at line 630 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNAssigned

int numNAssigned

Definition at line 641 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNExcPois

int numNExcPois

Definition at line 635 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNExcReg

int numNExcReg

Definition at line 631 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNExternal

int numNExternal

Definition at line 640 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNInhPois

int numNInhPois

Definition at line 636 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNInhReg

int numNInhReg

Definition at line 632 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNPois

int numNPois

Definition at line 637 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNRateGen

int numNRateGen

Definition at line 639 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNReg

int numNReg

Definition at line 633 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numNSpikeGen

int numNSpikeGen

Definition at line 638 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numPostSynNet

int numPostSynNet

Definition at line 647 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ numPreSynNet

int numPreSynNet

Definition at line 648 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ rGABAb

double rGABAb

Definition at line 686 of file snn_datastructures.h.


double rNMDA

Definition at line 682 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sGABAb

double sGABAb

Definition at line 688 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_in_testing

bool sim_in_testing

Definition at line 668 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_compartments

bool sim_with_compartments

Definition at line 663 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_conductances

bool sim_with_conductances

Definition at line 662 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_fixedwts

bool sim_with_fixedwts

Definition at line 661 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_GABAb_rise

bool sim_with_GABAb_rise

Definition at line 680 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_homeostasis

bool sim_with_homeostasis

Definition at line 666 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_modulated_stdp

bool sim_with_modulated_stdp

Definition at line 665 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_nm

bool sim_with_nm

Definition at line 672 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_NMDA_rise

bool sim_with_NMDA_rise

Definition at line 679 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_stdp

bool sim_with_stdp

Definition at line 664 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ sim_with_stp

bool sim_with_stp

Definition at line 667 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ simIntegrationMethod

integrationMethod_t simIntegrationMethod

Definition at line 690 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ simNumStepsPerMs

int simNumStepsPerMs

Definition at line 691 of file snn_datastructures.h.


double sNMDA

Definition at line 684 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ stdpScaleFactor

float stdpScaleFactor

Definition at line 675 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ STP_Pitch

size_t STP_Pitch

Definition at line 646 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ timeStep

float timeStep

Definition at line 692 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ wtChangeDecay

float wtChangeDecay

Definition at line 676 of file snn_datastructures.h.

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