CARLsim  4.1.0
CARLsim: a GPU-accelerated SNN simulator
RuntimeData_s Struct Reference

#include <snn_datastructures.h>

Public Attributes

bool allocated
 true if all data has been allocated More...
float * avgFiring
float * baseFiring
float * baseFiringInv
 only used on GPU More...
short int * connIdsPreIdx
 connectId, per synapse, presynaptic cumulative indexing More...
unsigned int * cumulativePost
unsigned int * cumulativePre
float * current
bool * curSpike
float * extCurrent
int ** extFiringTableD1
 external firing table, only used on GPU More...
int ** extFiringTableD2
 external firing table, only used on GPU More...
int * extFiringTableEndIdxD1
int * extFiringTableEndIdxD2
int * firingTableD1
int * firingTableD2
float * gAMPA
 conductance of gAMPA More...
float * gGABAa
 conductance of gGABAa More...
float * gGABAb
 conductance of gGABAb More...
float * gGABAb_d
float * gGABAb_r
float * gNMDA
 conductance of gNMDA More...
float * gNMDA_d
float * gNMDA_r
curandGenerator_t gpuRandGen
int3 * groupIdInfo
 .x , .y: the start and end index of neurons in a group, .z: gourd id, used for group Id calculations More...
float * grp5HT
float * grp5HTBuffer
float * grpACh
float * grpAChBuffer
float * grpDA
float * grpDABuffer
short int * grpIds
float * grpNE
float * grpNEBuffer
int * I_set
 an array of bits indicating which synapse got a spike More...
float * Izh_a
float * Izh_b
float * Izh_C
float * Izh_c
float * Izh_d
float * Izh_k
float * Izh_vpeak
float * Izh_vr
float * Izh_vt
int * lastSpikeTime
 stores the last spike time of a neuron More...
float * lif_bias
float * lif_gain
int * lif_tau_m
 parameters for a LIF spiking group More...
int * lif_tau_ref
int * lif_tau_ref_c
float * lif_vReset
float * lif_vTh
float * maxSynWt
 maximum synaptic weight for a connection More...
MemType memType
int2 * neuronAllocation
 .x: [31:0] index of the first neuron, .y: [31:16] number of neurons, [15:0] group id More...
float * nextVoltage
 membrane potential buffer (next/future time step) for each regular neuron More...
float * nIBuffer
unsigned int nPoissonSpikes
 the total number of spikes of poisson neurons, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned short * Npost
 stores the number of output connections from a neuron. More...
unsigned short * Npre
 stores the number of input connections to a neuron More...
unsigned short * Npre_plastic
 stores the number of plastic input connections to a neuron More...
float * Npre_plasticInv
 stores the 1/number of plastic input connections, only used on GPU More...
int * nSpikeCnt
 homeostatic plasticity variables More...
float * nUBuffer
float * nVBuffer
float * poissonFireRate
 delay information More...
 10 bit syn id, 22 bit neuron id, ordered based on delay More...
float * randNum
 firing random number. max value is 10,000 More...
float * recovery
unsigned int spikeCount
 the total number of spikes in a simulation, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountD1
 the total number of spikes with anxonal delay == 1 in a simulation, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountD1Sec
 the total number of spikes with axonal delay == 1 in 1 second, used in CPU_MODE currently
unsigned int spikeCountD2
 the total number of spikes with anxonal delay > 1 in a simulation, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountD2Sec
 the total number of spikes with axonal delay > 1 in 1 second, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD1
 the number of external spikes with axonal delay == 1 in a simulation, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD1Sec
unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD2
 the number of external spikes with axonal delay > 1 in a simulation, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD2Sec
unsigned int spikeCountLastSecLeftD2
 the nubmer of spike left in the last second, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int spikeCountSec
 the total number of spikes in 1 second, used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int * spikeGenBits
float * stpu
float * stpx
int * synSpikeTime
 stores the last spike time of a synapse More...
unsigned int * timeTableD1
 firing table, only used in CPU_MODE currently More...
unsigned int * timeTableD2
 firing table, only used in CPU_MODE currently More...
float * totalCurrent
float * voltage
 membrane potential for each regular neuron More...
float * wt
 stores the weight change of a synaptic connection More...
float * wtChange
 stores the weight change of a synaptic connection More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 450 of file snn_datastructures.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ allocated

bool allocated

Definition at line 506 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ avgFiring

float* avgFiring

Definition at line 566 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ baseFiring

float* baseFiring

Definition at line 565 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ baseFiringInv

float* baseFiringInv

Definition at line 564 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ connIdsPreIdx

short int* connIdsPreIdx

Definition at line 529 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ cumulativePost

unsigned int* cumulativePost

Definition at line 526 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ cumulativePre

unsigned int* cumulativePre

Definition at line 527 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ current

float* current

Definition at line 476 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ curSpike

bool* curSpike

Keeps track of all neurons that spiked at current time. Because integration step can be < 1ms we might want to keep integrating but remember that the neuron fired, so that we don't produce more than 1 spike per ms.

Definition at line 491 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ extCurrent

float* extCurrent

Definition at line 478 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ extFiringTableD1

int** extFiringTableD1

Definition at line 548 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ extFiringTableD2

int** extFiringTableD2

Definition at line 549 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ extFiringTableEndIdxD1

int* extFiringTableEndIdxD1

Definition at line 551 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ extFiringTableEndIdxD2

int* extFiringTableEndIdxD2

Definition at line 552 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ firingTableD1

int* firingTableD1

Definition at line 545 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ firingTableD2

int* firingTableD2

Definition at line 546 of file snn_datastructures.h.


float* gAMPA

Definition at line 497 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gGABAa

float* gGABAa

Definition at line 498 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gGABAb

float* gGABAb

Definition at line 499 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gGABAb_d

float* gGABAb_d

Definition at line 501 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gGABAb_r

float* gGABAb_r

Definition at line 500 of file snn_datastructures.h.


float* gNMDA

Definition at line 494 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gNMDA_d

float* gNMDA_d

Definition at line 496 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gNMDA_r

float* gNMDA_r

Definition at line 495 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ gpuRandGen

curandGenerator_t gpuRandGen

Definition at line 589 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ groupIdInfo

int3* groupIdInfo

Definition at line 558 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grp5HT

float* grp5HT

Definition at line 572 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grp5HTBuffer

float* grp5HTBuffer

Definition at line 578 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpACh

float* grpACh

Definition at line 573 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpAChBuffer

float* grpAChBuffer

Definition at line 579 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpDA

float* grpDA

neuromodulator concentration for each group

Definition at line 571 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpDABuffer

float* grpDABuffer

Definition at line 577 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpIds

short int* grpIds

Definition at line 530 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpNE

float* grpNE

Definition at line 574 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ grpNEBuffer

float* grpNEBuffer

Definition at line 580 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ I_set

int* I_set

Definition at line 503 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_a

float* Izh_a

Definition at line 472 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_b

float* Izh_b

Definition at line 473 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_C

float* Izh_C

Definition at line 467 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_c

float* Izh_c

Definition at line 474 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_d

float* Izh_d

Definition at line 475 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_k

float* Izh_k

Definition at line 468 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_vpeak

float* Izh_vpeak

Definition at line 471 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_vr

float* Izh_vr

Definition at line 469 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Izh_vt

float* Izh_vt

Definition at line 470 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lastSpikeTime

int* lastSpikeTime

Definition at line 519 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_bias

float* lif_bias

Definition at line 486 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_gain

float* lif_gain

Definition at line 485 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_tau_m

int* lif_tau_m

Definition at line 480 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_tau_ref

int* lif_tau_ref

Definition at line 481 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_tau_ref_c

int* lif_tau_ref_c

Definition at line 482 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_vReset

float* lif_vReset

Definition at line 484 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ lif_vTh

float* lif_vTh

Definition at line 483 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ maxSynWt

float* maxSynWt

Definition at line 524 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ memType

MemType memType

Definition at line 505 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ neuronAllocation

int2* neuronAllocation

Definition at line 557 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ nextVoltage

float* nextVoltage

Definition at line 465 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ nIBuffer

float* nIBuffer

Definition at line 585 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ nPoissonSpikes

unsigned int nPoissonSpikes

Definition at line 459 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Npost

unsigned short* Npost

Definition at line 517 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Npre

unsigned short* Npre

Definition at line 514 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Npre_plastic

unsigned short* Npre_plastic

Definition at line 515 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ Npre_plasticInv

float* Npre_plasticInv

Definition at line 516 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ nSpikeCnt

int* nSpikeCnt

Definition at line 561 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ nUBuffer

float* nUBuffer

Definition at line 584 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ nVBuffer

float* nVBuffer

Definition at line 583 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ poissonFireRate

float* poissonFireRate

Definition at line 554 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ postDelayInfo

DelayInfo* postDelayInfo

Definition at line 541 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ postSynapticIds

SynInfo* postSynapticIds

allows maximum synapses of 1024 and maximum network size of 4 million neurons, with 64 bit representation. we can have larger networks for simulation

Definition at line 538 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ preSynapticIds

SynInfo* preSynapticIds

Definition at line 539 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ randNum

float* randNum

Definition at line 555 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ recovery

float* recovery

Definition at line 466 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCount

unsigned int spikeCount

Definition at line 456 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountD1

unsigned int spikeCountD1

Definition at line 457 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountD1Sec

unsigned int spikeCountD1Sec

Definition at line 452 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountD2

unsigned int spikeCountD2

Definition at line 458 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountD2Sec

unsigned int spikeCountD2Sec

Definition at line 453 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountExtRxD1

unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD1

Definition at line 462 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountExtRxD1Sec

unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD1Sec

Definition at line 454 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountExtRxD2

unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD2

Definition at line 461 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountExtRxD2Sec

unsigned int spikeCountExtRxD2Sec

Definition at line 455 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountLastSecLeftD2

unsigned int spikeCountLastSecLeftD2

Definition at line 460 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeCountSec

unsigned int spikeCountSec

Definition at line 451 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ spikeGenBits

unsigned int* spikeGenBits

Definition at line 587 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ stpu

float* stpu

Definition at line 512 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ stpx

float* stpx

Definition at line 511 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ synSpikeTime

int* synSpikeTime

Definition at line 520 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ timeTableD1

unsigned int* timeTableD1

Definition at line 542 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ timeTableD2

unsigned int* timeTableD2

Definition at line 543 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ totalCurrent

float* totalCurrent

Definition at line 477 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ voltage

float* voltage

Definition at line 464 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ wt

float* wt

Definition at line 523 of file snn_datastructures.h.

◆ wtChange

float* wtChange

Definition at line 522 of file snn_datastructures.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: