This is the complete list of members for ConnectionMonitorCore, including all inherited members.
calcWeightChanges() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
clear() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
ConnectionMonitorCore(SNN *snn, int monitorId, short int connId, int grpIdPre, int grpIdPost) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getConnectFileId() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getConnectId() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getFanIn(int neurPostId) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getFanOut(int neurPreId) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getMaxWeight(bool getCurrent=false) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getMinWeight(bool getCurrent=false) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getMonitorId() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getNumNeuronsPost() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getNumNeuronsPre() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getNumSynapses() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getNumWeightsChanged(double minAbsChanged=1e-5) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getNumWeightsInRange(double minVal, double maxVal) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getNumWeightsWithValue(double value) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getTimeMsCurrentSnapshot() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getTimeMsLastSnapshot() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getTimeMsSinceLastSnapshot() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
getTotalAbsWeightChange() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
getUpdateTimeIntervalSec() | ConnectionMonitorCore | inline |
init() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
print() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
printSparse(int neurPostId=ALL, int maxConn=100, int connPerLine=4, bool storeNewSnapshot=true) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
setConnectFileId(FILE *connFileId) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
setUpdateTimeIntervalSec(int intervalSec) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
takeSnapshot() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
updateTime(int simTimeMs) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
updateWeight(int preId, int postId, float wt) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
writeConnectFileSnapshot(int simTimeMs, std::vector< std::vector< float > > wts) | ConnectionMonitorCore | |
~ConnectionMonitorCore() | ConnectionMonitorCore | |