CARLsim  4.1.0
CARLsim: a GPU-accelerated SNN simulator
Tutorial 3: Plasticity
Kristofor D. Carlson
See also
Chapter 5: Synaptic Plasticity
5.2 Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP)
5.3 Homeostasis
Chapter 6: Generating Input
Chapter 7: Monitoring
Chapter 9: MATLAB Offline Analysis Toolbox (OAT)
Jesper Sjöström and Wulfram Gerstner (2010) Spike-timing dependent plasticity. Scholarpedia, 5(2):1362., revision #142314
Biologically Plausible Models of Homeostasis and STDP: Stability and Learning in Spiking Neural Networks (Carlson, et al., 2013)

In this tutorial, we introduce how to use some plasticity mechanisms in CARLsim. We will cover:

  • Setting up connections with plasticity enabled.
  • Enabling E-STDP on a specific connection.
  • Adding homeostatic synaptic scaling to stabilize E-STDP.
  • Using SpikeMonitor and ConnectionMonitor to get spike and weight information.

At the end of the tutorial, you will have:

This tutorial assumes you have covered:

The source code of this tutorial can be found in %%CARLSIM_ROOT_DIR%%/doc/source/tutorial/3_plasticity.

3.1 Overview

Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is a popular learning rule in spiking neural networks (SNNs). STDP was first found in neurons in 1997 and is still under intense study (Sjöström Gerstner (2010)). SNNs are a unique class of neural network (NN) models that capture the temporal dynamics (spike times) of the network. Because of this, they are ideally sutied to implement STDP. However, STDP can often undergo 'runaway potentiation' or 'runaway depotentiation' where the synaptic weights increase or decrease without bound, respectively. To avoid this, CARLsim users can utilize a model of homeostatic synaptic scaling implemented in CARLsim. The homeostatic synaptic scaling model (Carlson et al., 2014) is biologically plausible and works as follows. The average firing rate of each neuron is calculated over a time period on the scale of minutes to hours. This average firing rate is compared to a user-defined target firing rate and the difference between these firing rates is used to scale all synapses on that neuron up or down multiplicatively. For instance, if a neuron has an average firing rate of 10 Hz and a target firing rate of 20 Hz, it will scale up all postsynaptic weights on that neuron in an effort to attain the target firing rate.

In this tutorial, we will show users how to configure and enable both STDP and homeostasis in a simple model. This tutorial does not currently cover using short-term plasticity (STP). For more information on STP, please see: 5.1 Short-Term Plasticity (STP). The network we construct will have 100 Poisson input neurons connected to a single regular spiking (RS) output neuron. Every synaptic connection between the input neurons and the output neuron will be plastic and have both STDP and homeostasis enabled. Each input neuron will be assigned a different input firing rate in ascending order from 0.2 Hz to 20 Hz. The synaptic weights will be randomly initialized and the simulation will then run for 1000 seconds. The spike and synaptic weight data will be visualized using the MATLAB OAT scripts provided in the: %%CARLSIM_ROOT_DIR%%/doc/source/tutorial/3_plasticity/scripts. Users will see that homeostasis can successfully stabilize STDP by visualizing the weights before and after the 1000 seconds of simulation.

3.2 Network Setup

As always, the first step in setting up a CARLsim program is to include the libCARLsim library. We also include the vector library because we will be using the vector data structure.

#include <carlsim.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>

3.2.1 CARLsim Program CONFIG State

We first construct a simple SNN that has 100 Poisson input neurons (group ID = gPoiss) all connected to a single regular spiking (RS) Izhikevich output neuron (group ID = gExc) as shown below. Notice we passed the GPU_MODE argument in our CARLsim constructor call. This means our simulation will take place on the GPU. Also notice that the last argument for CARLsim::createSpikeGeneratorGroup is EXCITATORY_POISSON and not EXCITATORY_NEURON. The setNeuronParameters call assigns the RS spiking neuron parameter values to all neurons in the gExc group.

// ---------------- CONFIG STATE -------------------
// create a network with nPois Poisson neurons and nExc excitatory output
// neurons
CARLsim sim("plasticity simulation", GPU_MODE, USER);
int nPois = 100; // 100 input neurons
int nExc = 1; // 1 output neuron
// set up our neuron groups
int gPois = sim.createSpikeGeneratorGroup("input", nPois, EXCITATORY_POISSON);
int gExc = sim.createGroup("output", nExc, EXCITATORY_NEURON);
sim.setNeuronParameters(gExc, 0.02f, 0.2f, -65.0f, 8.0f);

We next connect neurons from the gPoiss group to neurons (just one for now) in the gExc group with full connectivity with a minimum weight value of 0.0, an initial value of 1.0f/100, and a maximum value of 20.0f/100. The connection probability is given as 1.0f, a delay of 1 is used for all synapses, and no receptive fields are specified (-1). Finally, the keyword 'SYN_PLASTIC' is used instead of 'SYN_FIXED' to enable plasticity for this connection. This is required. Also, the simulation is set to use conductances with default parameter values with the CARLsim::setConductances call.

// connect our groups with SYN_PLASTIC as the final argument.
sim.connect(gPois, gExc, "full", 0.01f, 0.03f, 1.0, 1, 1, SYN_PLASTIC);
// set conductances with default values

A PoissonRate object is then created to use as an input to a SpikeGenerator group. It is the same size of as the SpikeGenerator group and is allocated on the GPU for efficiency.

// create PoissonRate object of size nPoiss.
PoissonRate poissRate(nPois, true); // allocate on GPU for minimal memory copies

Next, enable excitatory STDP (E-STDP) with a call to CARLsim::setESTDP pass the postsynaptic group you want to enable it for and 'true' to enable it. Additionally, the 'STANDARD' keyword indicates that there will not be a neuromodulatory influence at this synapse. Finally, the STDP curve type is specified by passing the stdpCurve_t data type with the desired STDP parameters. alpha_LTP(alpha_LTD) represents the magnitude of the increase(decrease) in synaptic weight while tau_LTP(tau_LTD) represents the time constant, which defines the width of the LTP(LTD) curve with respect to time. Notice that alpha_LTD is passed as being negative. The alpha_ltp and alpha_ltd parameters are allowed to be positive or negative depending on the user's preference. This allows users to build the many different type of EXP_CURVE type STDP curves found in 5.2 Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), Fig. 2(a-d) and 2(f-i). The tau_LTP/tau_LTD parameters, however, cannot be negative as they are time constants.

// set E-STDP parameters.
float alpha_LTP=0.001f/100; float tau_LTP=20.0f;
float alpha_LTD=0.0015f/100; float tau_LTD=20.0f;
// set E-STDP to be STANDARD (without neuromodulatory influence) with an EXP_CURVE type.
sim.setESTDP(gExc, true, STANDARD, ExpCurve(alpha_LTP, tau_LTP, -alpha_LTD, tau_LTP));

It should be noted that the function call CARLsim::setSTDP could have replaced the CARLsim::setESTDP function call, as it is a wrapper for this function call. However, the CARLsim::setESTDP is unambiguous and is therefore the preferred method.

Homeostatic synaptic scaling parameters are next defined. The homeostatic scaling factor (homeoScale) defines how large the effect of homeostasis will have the synaptic weight change. The synaptic weight change is composed of two terms, the homeostatic term and the STDP term. Each term has a scaling factor associated with it. The STDP scaling term has a value of 1. Therefore, to give the homeostatic term a larger influence than the STDP term, increase the homeostatic scaling factor to a value greater than 1. The homeostatic time constant (avgTimeScale) term defines the length of time over which the average firing rate of neurons in this group are calculated during the homeostasis calculation. Finally the target firing rate (targetFiringRate) term defines the firing rate the neurons in the group will attempt to attain.

// homeostasis constants
float homeoScale= 1.0; // homeostatic scaling factor
float avgTimeScale = 5.0; // homeostatic time constant
float targetFiringRate = 35.0;

To enable homeostasis, the CARLsim::setHomeostasis function is called with the postsynaptic group as the first argument, a boolean flag that enables/disables homeostasis as a the second argument, the homeostatic synaptic scaling constant as the third argument, and the homeostatic time constant as the fourth argument. The CARLsim::setHomeostasis function can be called with just the first two arguments, in which case the default values of homeoScale = 0.1 and avgTimeScale = 10 will be used. When homeostasis is enabled, users must also define the target firing rate neurons in the group. This is done with a call to CARLsim::setHomeoBaseFiringRate, where the postsynaptic group, value of the targetFiringRate, and the standard deviation of the targetFiringRate are specified by the user. Please note that the target firing rate is calculated once at the beginning of the simulation and remains the same throughout the simulation.


Chapter 5: Synaptic Plasticity

3.2.2 CARLsim Program SETUP State

During the SETUP state of CARLsim, CARLsim::setupNetwork is called. Two SpikeMonitor pointers are declared and assigned SpikeMonitor objects created with the CARLsim::setSpikeMonitor function call. The first argument to these functions is the group for which the spike data will be recorded while the second argument is the filename of the spike data files. The argument of "DEFAULT" denotes that the default filename conventions will be used, namely: "results/spk_{group name}.dat". We also create a ConnectionMonitor to record the synaptic weights for the connection between the input group and the output group. The CARLsim::setConnectionMonitor function is used, with the first argument being the presynaptic group, the second argument being the postsynaptic group, and the third argument the name of the filename. We use 'DEFAULT' which assigns the string: "results/conn_{pre-group name}_{post-group name}.dat" to the filename. Finally, we disable the automatic output of ConnectionMonitor by using the function call ConnectionMonitor::setUpdateTimeIntervalSec with an argument of -1. We will output the weight values manually, later in the simulation.

// ---------------- SETUP STATE -------------------
SpikeMonitor* SpikeMonInput = sim.setSpikeMonitor(gPois,"DEFAULT");
SpikeMonitor* SpikeMonOutput = sim.setSpikeMonitor(gExc,"DEFAULT");
ConnectionMonitor* CM = sim.setConnectionMonitor(gPois,gExc,"DEFAULT");
// disable automatic output of synaptic weights from connection monitor

3.2.3 CARLsim Program RUN State

During the RUN state, we set the firing rates of each of the nPois (100) neurons. We assign the first input neuron an average firing rate of 0.2 Hz, the second input neuron an average firing rate of 0.4 Hz, and so on. This gives our 100th input neuron an average firing rate of 20 Hz. We can now observe the weight change at each input/output synapse as a function of the average firing rate of the input neurons each having Poisson firing statistics.

We first generate a vector that contains the average firing rate for each Poisson neuron with the following code:

// ---------------- RUN STATE -------------------
// set rate of each neuron
std::vector <float> rates;
for (int i=0; i<nPois; i++)

The vector is then passed to the PoissRate object and the poissRate is assigned to the gPois group with the following two calls. Additionally, we define the runTimeSec and runTimeMs variables explicitly here. This is common practice as there are often multiple calls to runNetwork with different run times for each call.

sim.setSpikeRate(gPois, &poissRate);
// run the established network for 1 sec
int runTimeSec = 1000; // seconds
int runTimeMs = 0; // milliseconds

Finally, we take a snapshot of the weights between the input and output groups before we run the simulation, run the simulation, and then take a snapshot of the weights after the simulation has been run. This is shown in the code below:

// take a snapshot of the weights before we run the simulation
sim.runNetwork(runTimeSec, runTimeMs);
// take a snapshot of the weights after the simulation runs to completion

3.3 Network Output

In Linux, after navigating to %CARLSIM_ROOT_DIR%%/doc/source/tutorial/3_plasticity, the network can be compiled and run with the following commands:

$ make
$ ./plasticity

In Windows, the .vcxproj file is already added to the CARLsim.sln solution file. Thus the project can be built simply by opening the solution file in Visual Studio, by right-clicking the project directory and choosing "Build project".

Some of the CARLsim output is shown below:

Notice that the simulator notifies you that E-STDP has been enabled for output(1). The (1) denotes the group ID. It also notifies you that homeostasis is enabled for the output group and details the exact parameter values being used.

.******************* Welcome to CARLsim 3.0 ***************************
.*************************** Configuring Network ********************************
Starting CARLsim simulation "plasticity simulation" in USER mode
Random number seed: 1426032481
CUDA devices Configuration:
- Number of CUDA devices = 1
- CUDA device ID with max GFLOPs = 0
- Use CUDA device[0] = GeForce GTX 980
- CUDA Compute Capability (CC) = 5.2
Running COBA mode:
- AMPA decay time = 5 ms
- NMDA rise time (disabled) = 0 ms
- GABAa decay time = 6 ms
- GABAb rise time (disabled) = 0 ms
- GABAb decay time = 150 ms
E-STDP enabled for output(1)
Homeostasis parameters enabled for 1 (output): homeoScale: 1.000000, avgTimeScale: 5.000000
Homeostatic base firing rate set for 1 (output): baseFiring: 35.000, baseFiringStd: 0.000

During the network setup, the simulator lists the parameter values for E-STDP. Here we see that 'STANDARD' is selected as well. Notice that we are notified that two SpikeMonitors have been set, one for 0 and one for group 1. Finally, we are notified that a ConnectionMonitor has been set for the conncection between group 0 and group 1. The '...' denotes excluded output.

.***************************** Setting up Network **********************************
- ALPHA_PLUS_EXC = 0.00020
- ALPHA_MINUS_EXC = -0.00007
- TAU_PLUS_INV_EXC = 0.05000
- TAU_MINUS_INV_EXC = 0.05000
- BETA_LTP = 0.00000
- BETA_LTD = 0.00000
- LAMBDA = 0.00000
- DELTA = 0.00000
.**************** Initializing GPU Simulation *************************
SpikeMonitor set for group 0 (input)
SpikeMonitor set for group 1 (output)
ConnectionMonitor 0 set for Connection 0: 0(input) => 1(output)

CARLsim also outputs information about the synaptic weight strengths and their recent changes in synaptic weight. Below we see presynaptic neuron id and postsynaptic neuron id in brackets, indicating the specific synapse. For example [ 0, 0] indicates the synaptic connection from presynaptic neuron 0 to postsynaptic neuron 0. Here, you can see all synaptic connections have the same postsynaptic neuron id (0), meaning these are connections from many different presynaptic neurons to a single postsynaptic neuron. Next, is the value of the synaptic weight with the change in the last second in parenthesis. For example: 0.0016 (+0.0004) indicates that the weight has a value of 0.0016 and has increased 0.0004 in the past 1 second.

.******************* Running GPU Simulation on GPU 0 ***************************
(t=1000.000s) SpikeMonitor for group input(0) has 1010036 spikes in 1000ms (10100.36 +/- 5819.37 Hz)
(t=1000.000s) SpikeMonitor for group output(1) has 37085 spikes in 1000ms (37085.00 +/- 0.00 Hz)
(t=1000.000s) ConnectionMonitor ID=0 0(input) => 1(output): [preId,postId] wt (+/-wtChange in 1000ms) show first 100
[ 0, 0] 0.0016 (+0.0004) [ 1, 0] 0.0016 (+0.0000) [ 2, 0] 0.0013 (-0.0002) [ 3, 0] 0.0013 (-0.0001)
[ 4, 0] 0.0017 (-0.0000) [ 5, 0] 0.0033 (+0.0002) [ 6, 0] 0.0022 (+0.0002) [ 7, 0] 0.0031 (-0.0003)
[ 8, 0] 0.0035 (+0.0000) [ 9, 0] 0.0045 (+0.0001) [10, 0] 0.0049 (-0.0002) [11, 0] 0.0046 (-0.0002)
[12, 0] 0.0049 (-0.0001) [13, 0] 0.0045 (-0.0001) [14, 0] 0.0052 (+0.0003) [15, 0] 0.0046 (-0.0004)
[16, 0] 0.0074 (-0.0002) [17, 0] 0.0079 (+0.0004) [18, 0] 0.0054 (-0.0002) [19, 0] 0.0087 (+0.0004)
[20, 0] 0.0081 (+0.0001) [21, 0] 0.0090 (+0.0014) [22, 0] 0.0093 (+0.0005) [23, 0] 0.0105 (+0.0003)
[24, 0] 0.0076 (-0.0002) [25, 0] 0.0064 (+0.0002) [26, 0] 0.0081 (-0.0004) [27, 0] 0.0112 (+0.0004)
[28, 0] 0.0125 (-0.0003) [29, 0] 0.0127 (-0.0004) [30, 0] 0.0112 (-0.0004) [31, 0] 0.0128 (+0.0010)
[32, 0] 0.0122 (+0.0001) [33, 0] 0.0129 (+0.0006) [34, 0] 0.0102 (+0.0003) [35, 0] 0.0117 (-0.0009)
[36, 0] 0.0120 (-0.0003) [37, 0] 0.0139 (+0.0005) [38, 0] 0.0138 (-0.0001) [39, 0] 0.0128 (+0.0000)
[40, 0] 0.0126 (+0.0003) [41, 0] 0.0101 (-0.0009) [42, 0] 0.0170 (+0.0011) [43, 0] 0.0152 (-0.0002)
[44, 0] 0.0176 (-0.0003) [45, 0] 0.0158 (+0.0006) [46, 0] 0.0140 (-0.0009) [47, 0] 0.0149 (+0.0002)
[48, 0] 0.0184 (+0.0002) [49, 0] 0.0158 (+0.0002) [50, 0] 0.0197 (+0.0009) [51, 0] 0.0163 (+0.0005)
[52, 0] 0.0162 (+0.0001) [53, 0] 0.0164 (+0.0003) [54, 0] 0.0180 (+0.0003) [55, 0] 0.0187 (+0.0001)
[56, 0] 0.0163 (+0.0001) [57, 0] 0.0202 (+0.0004) [58, 0] 0.0179 (+0.0006) [59, 0] 0.0205 (+0.0013)
[60, 0] 0.0179 (-0.0009) [61, 0] 0.0174 (-0.0007) [62, 0] 0.0193 (-0.0007) [63, 0] 0.0175 (+0.0003)
[64, 0] 0.0170 (-0.0011) [65, 0] 0.0182 (-0.0012) [66, 0] 0.0212 (-0.0016) [67, 0] 0.0211 (+0.0000)
[68, 0] 0.0224 (-0.0010) [69, 0] 0.0191 (-0.0001) [70, 0] 0.0241 (-0.0008) [71, 0] 0.0191 (-0.0011)
[72, 0] 0.0217 (+0.0001) [73, 0] 0.0236 (-0.0002) [74, 0] 0.0192 (-0.0010) [75, 0] 0.0234 (+0.0003)
[76, 0] 0.0226 (-0.0002) [77, 0] 0.0248 (-0.0002) [78, 0] 0.0218 (+0.0007) [79, 0] 0.0233 (-0.0005)
[80, 0] 0.0227 (+0.0003) [81, 0] 0.0237 (+0.0014) [82, 0] 0.0238 (-0.0006) [83, 0] 0.0251 (+0.0005)
[84, 0] 0.0240 (-0.0006) [85, 0] 0.0245 (-0.0010) [86, 0] 0.0258 (+0.0002) [87, 0] 0.0260 (-0.0003)
[88, 0] 0.0271 (-0.0008) [89, 0] 0.0269 (-0.0009) [90, 0] 0.0239 (+0.0003) [91, 0] 0.0262 (-0.0013)
[92, 0] 0.0253 (-0.0005) [93, 0] 0.0253 (-0.0007) [94, 0] 0.0237 (+0.0005) [95, 0] 0.0281 (-0.0001)
[96, 0] 0.0272 (+0.0013) [97, 0] 0.0264 (-0.0020) [98, 0] 0.0296 (+0.0017) [99, 0] 0.0267 (-0.0002)

Finally, we see the number of neurons involved in the total simulation (numNeurons = 101), the total number of synapses (numSynapses = 100), and the overall average firing rate: (Overall = 10.368 Hz).

.******************* GPU Simulation Summary ***************************
Network Parameters: numNeurons = 101 (numNExcReg:numNInhReg = 1.0:0.0)
numSynapses = 100
maxDelay = 1
Simulation Mode: COBA
Random Seed: 1426032481
Timing: Model Simulation Time = 1000 sec
Actual Execution Time = 53.43 sec
Average Firing Rate: 2+ms delay = 0.000 Hz
1ms delay = inf Hz
Overall = 10.368 Hz
Overall Firing Count: 2+ms delay = 0
1ms delay = 1047121
Total = 1047121

3.4 Network Visualization

In order to plot network activity and observe weight changes in the network, we will make use of the MATLAB Offline Analysis Toolbox (OAT) (see Chapter 9: MATLAB Offline Analysis Toolbox (OAT)). The CARLsim simulation will output spike and synaptic weight data files to the results directory. To run, the network visualization scripts, simply open MATLAB, change the current directory to the "scripts/" directory and run:

>> plasticityOAT

The plasticityOAT.m script looks like this:

% Tutorial 3 Plasticity OAT Scripts
% First run initOAT script to set the correct path
% Read the spike files
SR = SpikeReader('../results/spk_output.dat');
% Bin the data into 1s (1000 ms) intervals
spkData = SR.readSpikes(1000);
% Generate time data
% generate target firing rate data
hold on;
% plot the average output neuron firing rate in blue
% plot the target firing rate in red
% make labels and title
xlabel('Time (sec)');
ylabel('Average Firing Rate (Hz)');
title('Average Firing Rate of Output Neuron vs. Time');
% Read the synaptic weights using connectionReader
CR = ConnectionReader('../results/conn_input_output.dat');
% readWeights() returns time stamps and weights.
% allTimestamps will contain the times of the individual weight snapshots
% (in ms). We took a snapshot at the beginning of the simulation and at the
% end, after 1000 seconds have elapsed, so we should have 2 values: 0 and
% 1000000.
% allWeights is of dimension numSnapshots X numSynapsesPossible.
% numSnapshots is the number of the snapshots taken while
% numSynapsesPossible is the total number of synapses possible in the
% synaptic connection. For instance, if you have 30% connectivity between
% two groups of size N1 and N2, the number of possible synapses would be
% N1 X N2.
[allTimestamps, allWeights] = CR.readWeights();
% Generate x-axis of neuron ids
x1=linspace(1, 100, 100);
% output everything to figure 2
hold on;
% plot the initial weights in red (first row of data).
% plot the final weights in blue (second row of data).S\
xlabel('Neuron ID');
ylabel('Synaptic Weight Strength');
title('Synaptic Weight Strength vs. Neuron ID');

After adding the location of the OAT source code to the MATLAB path, a SpikeReader is opened on the spike data file: "../results/spk_output.dat" which was created during the CARLsim simulation because we created a SpikeMonitor.

Calling the readSpikes method with an argument of '1000' creates 1000 ms wide bins in which it places the total number of spikes for that time period (1000 ms). The user can then easily create a plot or histogram with the data. Below Fig. 1 shows the target firing rate and actual average firing rate of the output neuron.

Fig. 1. The Target (red) and average (blue) firing rate of the output neuron.

To visualize the weights, we next open a ConnectionReader on the file "../results/conn_input_output.dat" which was created during the CARLsim simulation because we created a ConnectionMonitor. We use the readWeights method to return a matrix that contains the time stamps of when each synaptic weight snapshot was created. The synaptic weight values are output to the allWeights matrix. See the code comments for more information. Finally, we plot the initial weight values in red and the final weight values in blue as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. The initial (red) and final (blue) synaptic weight values.
model is run on GPU card(s)
Definition: carlsim_datastructures.h:115
int createSpikeGeneratorGroup(const std::string &grpName, int nNeur, int neurType, int preferredPartition=ANY, ComputingBackend preferredBackend=CPU_CORES)
creates a spike generator group
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1779
void setUpdateTimeIntervalSec(int intervalSec)
Sets the time interval (seconds) for writing snapshots to file.
Definition: connection_monitor.cpp:166
Class SpikeMonitor.
Definition: spike_monitor.h:119
int runNetwork(int nSec, int nMsec=0, bool printRunSummary=true)
run the simulation for time=(nSec*seconds + nMsec*milliseconds)
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1909
void setConductances(bool isSet)
Sets default values for conduction decay and rise times or disables COBA alltogether.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1788
Definition: carlsim_definitions.h:78
void setHomeoBaseFiringRate(int grpId, float baseFiring, float baseFiringSD=0.0f)
Sets the homeostatic target firing rate (enforced through homeostatic synaptic scaling)
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1805
Class for generating Poisson spike trains.
Definition: poisson_rate.h:84
Definition: carlsim_definitions.h:76
ConnectionMonitor * setConnectionMonitor(int grpIdPre, int grpIdPost, const std::string &fname)
Sets a connection monitor for a group, custom ConnectionMonitor class.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1949
User mode, for experiment-oriented simulations.
Definition: carlsim_datastructures.h:91
#define STDP(t, a, b)
Definition: snn_definitions.h:149
void setSpikeRate(int grpId, PoissonRate *spikeRate, int refPeriod=1)
Sets a spike rate.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1982
void setupNetwork()
build the network
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1914
void setNeuronParameters(int grpId, float izh_a, float izh_a_sd, float izh_b, float izh_b_sd, float izh_c, float izh_c_sd, float izh_d, float izh_d_sd)
Sets Izhikevich params a, b, c, and d with as mean +- standard deviation.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1815
void setHomeostasis(int grpId, bool isSet, float homeoScale, float avgTimeScale)
Sets custom values for implementation of homeostatic synaptic scaling.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1799
CARLsim User Interface This class provides a user interface to the public sections of CARLsimCore sou...
Definition: carlsim.h:137
A struct to assign exponential STDP curves.
Definition: carlsim_datastructures.h:570
short int connect(int grpId1, int grpId2, const std::string &connType, const RangeWeight &wt, float connProb, const RangeDelay &delay=RangeDelay(1), const RadiusRF &radRF=RadiusRF(-1.0), bool synWtType=SYN_FIXED, float mulSynFast=1.0f, float mulSynSlow=1.0f)
Connects a presynaptic to a postsynaptic group using fixed/plastic weights and a range of delay value...
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1739
Definition: carlsim_definitions.h:60
void setESTDP(int grpId, bool isSet)
Sets default E-STDP mode and parameters.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1867
standard STDP of Bi & Poo (2001), nearest-neighbor
Definition: carlsim_datastructures.h:161
std::vector< std::vector< float > > takeSnapshot()
Takes a snapshot of the current weight state.
Definition: connection_monitor.cpp:173
Class ConnectionMonitor.
Definition: connection_monitor.h:148
SpikeMonitor * setSpikeMonitor(int grpId, const std::string &fileName)
Sets a Spike Monitor for a groups, prints spikes to binary file.
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1972
int createGroup(const std::string &grpName, int nNeur, int neurType, int preferredPartition=ANY, ComputingBackend preferredBackend=CPU_CORES)
creates a group of Izhikevich spiking neurons
Definition: carlsim.cpp:1763