CARLsim  4.1.0
CARLsim: a GPU-accelerated SNN simulator
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CCARLsimCARLsim User Interface This class provides a user interface to the public sections of CARLsimCore source code. Example networks that use this methodology can be found in the examples/ directory. Documentation is available on our website
 CcompConnectConfig_sThe configuration of a compartmental connection
 CConnectConfig_sThe configuration of a connection
 CConnectConfigMD_sIntermediate data of connect config
 CConnectConfigRT_sThe runtime configuration of a connection
 CConnectionGeneratorCoreUsed for relaying callback to ConnectionGenerator
 CConnectionMonitorClass ConnectionMonitor
 CExpCurveA struct to assign exponential STDP curves
 CGrid3DA struct to arrange neurons on a 3D grid (a primitive cubic Bravais lattice with cubic side length 1)
 CGroupConfig_sThe configuration of a group
 CGroupConfigRT_sThe runtime configuration of a group
 CGroupMonitorClass GroupMonitor
 CGroupMonitorCoreGroupMonitor private core implementation
 CGroupNeuromodulatorInfo_sA struct for retrieving neuromodulator information of a group
 CGroupSTDPInfo_sA struct for retrieving STDP related information of a group
 CSimpleWeightTuner::ImplPrivate implementation of the Stopwatch Utility
 CNetworkConfigRT_sRuntime network configuration
 CPoint3DPoint in 3D space
 CPoissonRateClass for generating Poisson spike trains
 CPulseCurveStruct to assign a pulse I-STDP curve
 CRadiusRFA struct to specify the receptive field (RF) radius in 3 dimensions
 CRangeDelayRange struct for synaptic delays
 CRangeRmemStruct defines the minimum and maximum membrane resisatnces of the LIF neuron group
 CRangeWeightRange struct for synaptic weight magnitudes
 CRoutingTableEntry_sRuntime spike routing table entry
 CSimpleWeightTunerClass SimpleWeightTuner
 CSNNContains all of CARLsim's core functionality
 CSpikeBufferCircular buffer for delivering spikes
 CInteractiveSpikeGeneratorA interactive spike generator that generate spikes upon users' request
 CPeriodicSpikeGeneratorPeriodic SpikeGenerator (constant ISI) creating spikes at a certain rate
 CPrePostGroupSpikeGeneratorSpike generator for spike timing control
 CSpikeGeneratorFromFileSpikeGeneratorFromFile schedules spikes from a spike file binary
 CSpikeGeneratorFromVectorSpikeGenerator that schedules spikes from a vector of spike times
 CSpikeGeneratorCoreUsed for relaying callback to SpikeGenerator
 CSpikeBuffer::SpikeIteratorIterator to loop over the scheduled spikes at a certain delay
 CSpikeMonitorClass SpikeMonitor
 CSpikeBuffer::SpikeNodeLinked list to hold the corresponding neuron Id and delivery delay for each spike
 CThreadStruct_sCPU multithreading subroutine (that takes single argument) struct argument
 CTimingBasedCurveA struct to assign a timing-based E-STDP curve
 CUserErrorsStatic Class for handling user errors
 CVisualStimulusClass to integrate CARLsim with a stimulus created using VisualStimulus.m Version: 4/11/14 Author: Michael Beyeler mbeye.nosp@m.ler@.nosp@m.uci.e.nosp@m.du